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Swimming pool cleaning chemicals

Swimming in a swimming pool is different matter and everybody enjoy to swim, most especially when the weather or temperature are really hot. It feels so good to jump in the cold water on a hot sunny day! After all, you knew that maintaining the cleanliness of a swimming pool is among essential for our health? Unsanitary pools have germs and bacteria that can make us sick. This is why it important to maintain the pool properly. Luckily, you can add our Haixing Keyao swimming pool chemicals to your pool that will kill off anything dangerous so the water stays clean and everyone swimming is saved from any harm.


Clean the frame: The filter can be thought of like a strainer that catches contaminants. Every two weeks, it requires a cleaning to keep the water crisp and shining. It will ascertain if the filter is soiled and unable to perform its task efficiently.

The 5 essential chemicals every pool owner needs for proper maintenance

PH increaser and decreaser- this adjusts the alkalinity of your water to a level that falls between 7.2/0 makes it easier for chlorines activity in keeping off those germs fines). These chemicals aid to adjust the pH scale if needed. Skin irrating and clouding the water if pH is too high or too low.


Treating with shock treatments: If you have a persistent problem that ordinary cleaning doesn't fix, it's time to bring in the big guns. This increases the chloride levels in a pool thus eliminating bacteria and algae from your swimming space. Well, the following is hilariously true after the pool party or a heavy rain town-home bash.

Why choose Haixing Keyao Swimming pool cleaning chemicals?

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